Loving Hearts Christian Adoption Agency
So many times the word “adoption” brings feelings of fear. Myths and misperceptions surround the process and everyone involved. We believe adoption is a ministry. Whether you’re a birthmother, birthfather, or a Christian couple considering adoption, it is a calling. After all, we have all been adopted into God’s family and we are all connected through His love for us.
Caring for birth mothers, who often have no one else to turn to while walking through an incredibly difficult time, is the first priority of Loving Hearts Christian Adoption Agency. We do not seek out birthmothers, nor do we in any way coerce the pregnant women who seek our care to make a plan of adoption for their children. Therefore, we only make a limited number of adoption placements a year. You will get to see your child annually and be in touch via letters and videos throughout the year.
Supporting a woman’s decision
We believe it is the individual decision of a mother as to whether or not God is calling her to parent her child or to make a plan of adoption. Whether it’s single parenting or adoption, we support her decision and offer the tools and resources to help her walk out her plan.
The process of adoption
Your first step is to talk with an adoption specialist who can explain the process thoroughly. The professionals at Loving Hearts will talk with you and answer your questions about making an adoption plan. We will never ask you to pay for any of our services.
As a birth mother, you choose a family and the kind of lifestyle you want for your child. Our adoptive families are intensely screened and are strong, Christian couples who have an established marriage built on a strong foundation. They must commit to being actively involved in a lifetime of ministry to the birth parents, as they raise the child as their own.
From the beginning of your decision through the years that follow, we desire to create an environment that fosters a loving, close, semi-open adoption scenario for each birthmother and adoptive family. This is one of the most difficult decisions you will ever make and we never want you to travel this road alone.
Loving Hearts Christian Adoption Agency provides one-on-one personalized care and support. Through our experienced staff, each member of the adoption triad (birth family, adoptive couple, and child) will have their needs met.
Choosing adoption
For birth couples who choose adoption for their baby, we provide weekly counseling, a birthparents support group, and a support system that stays with them for a lifetime whenever they need it. In addition, we offer ministry to birth fathers and other family members impacted by the decision for adoption. We have both individual counseling, mentoring, and support groups that meet the individual need of each person involved.
Our services
- Personal, one-on-one counseling.
- Expertise and compassion in facilitating adoptions.
- Birth-family support groups for each individual involved.
- Housing, when needed, through our maternity home, Sarah’s House.
- Post-adoption support services for both the birthparents and the adoptive family.
- A lifetime of encouragement, prayer and support.
All of our services are free of charge for birthmothers. And our costs for adoptive families are designed to meet every budget. If you’re interested in adoption, please email us at LovingHeartsAdoption@yahoo.com.